Get the gear that defines you
Pre-Order your Ash "A TRAIN" Mallory Fight Hoodie and help support Ash's fight career!!
Orders are delivered by June 8th UNLESS you choose self-pickup! If you choose self pickup your order will be mailed with to Ash if / when he orders. THE LAST DAY TO BE GUARANTEED DELIVERY FOR Ash's June 10th, 2023 fight is June 1st, 2023 !!!
Black print on Soft style, Gildan Unisex Hoodie. Your Choice from 4 colors. Ash Gray is 50% Cotton / 50% Polyester Blend. All other Hoodies are a 40% Cotton / 60% Polyester Blend.
*** IF YOU CHOOSE SELF-PICKUP you are responsible for meeting with Ash. This is only available if Ash has an order being shipped to him. If you are not within driving distance of him please select shipping at checkout. Also please note that his schedule close to fight week will be hectic ***